Thursday, June 28, 2007

Banjo Joke About Hookers.

How many hookers does it take to string a banjo?

That's the joke - now we just need a punch line. I'm open to any suggestions. I can't be expected to do ALL the work, can I? Actually, my friend Steve came up with the joke. Thanks, Steve !!

I went to today - I see that we're taking the summer off from the Monday night jams. I have mixed feelings about that. I will miss all of our new friends, but I am looking forward to a break for us, especially Michael. The missing the friends part is bittersweet - September isn't that far away, and I know we're going to be seeing some of them very soon when we go to Maine to visit good old Ralph. I'm even making the ultimate sacrifice for this concert - I'm taking a precious vacation day from work. You want to be worth it, Ralphie !!

I think I'll probably continue to post bloggies this summer, since it's so highly entertaining.

Send in a punch line...I'll post them anonymously. Might be kind of funny to see what we can collectively come up with :)

Happy Blessings...

1 comment:

Anonymous said... how many hookers does it take?

A1: If you have to ask, you can't afford it.

A2: Sorry officer. I thought they were "bookers" and I was looking for my next gig.

A3: That depends on which one has the "g" string.

You need more?