Friday, May 4, 2007

Struggles with all things electronic and otherwise...

Hello friends...
I'm really struggling with figuring out how to post a bloggy thingy. The last time I did it, which was also the first time, Mike took care of it for me. I guess I'm on my own now.

I have the most nasty head cold I've ever had. Mike had a slight sniffle and decided he wanted a little kiss. I'm not opposed to a kiss under the most dire circumstances, so I discarded the little sniffle as insignificant and proceeded. Now I wish someone could cut my head off with a chain saw from just below the nose. Oh well, as a good friend pointed out, I could be lying in a bed on the oncology ward. That helps put my cold into perspective. Hey Mike, want a kiss???

I was joking on my last blog about not knowing about the new banjo until I read what Mike wrote about the Stanley Tone. Good grief!! Looks like we're going to have another banjo at the Floyd house. I need some more banjo joke material. Speaking of that...

What do you call it when you chuck a banjo into a lake from 500 yards without making a splash?

Perfect pitch :)

I'm going to start a 12 step program for bluegrass widows. Bluegrass Widows Anonymous. BGA. More on that later.

ok, now I'm going to cross my fingers and hit the PUBLISH button and hope this works. If not, I shall try, try again.

See you soon and big hugs....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Helen looks like you pressed the right button..As far as having a new Banjo in the family,remember it helps to keep Mike out of trouble.Maybe you should think of learning to play one...Wouldnt that surprise him when you take his new Banjo and wont give it back to him ha ha Enjoy your posts and comment Fungus