Thursday, May 17, 2007

I just thought of something funny....

Actually, I thought of it earlier today and even said it out loud, but it just came back to me, so I thought I would do a bloggy thingy about it. And it's even about bluegrass, in a round-about sort of way. That will make you-know-who happy.

I've been a little distracted of late and things at home are not quite as caught up as normal. I realized some time yesterday that Michael's drivers license expired on his birthday, which was May 14th, and I had a fuzzy memory of the car registration about to expire too. Not good and I had a kind of "circling the drain" feeling.

This morning Michael, Ed, Kenny and Harvey left on the big road trip to pick up the new banjo. So, picture this: Michael will be arriving at the Canada / US border with an expired picture ID, and no passport. If by some stroke of luck they do let him across the border, and don't arrest him for being an illegal alien or something, when the group decides to come back across on the other side, and he has to pay the tax on the banjo to get IT into Canada, he may have difficulty in doing so as I also noticed this morning that I have not paid the VISA bill and it was due on April 30th. Yikes!

After I stopped cringing about the chaos I have created, I decided that it might be rather entertaining to let the license lapse to the point that he has to take another driver test. Michael is constantly crowing about how he can parellel park, and I can't, about how he stops fully at stop signs, and I roll through, and how superiour his reverse driving skills are compared to mine. Blah, blah, blah. Let's put all that boasting to the big test. Yeah...that's starting to sound reallllll good.

This blog is bluegrass related, right?

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