Monday, May 5, 2008

Music Committee? Why was I not Invited??

Apparently a Music Committee is being formed to determine whether songs fit into the Bluegrass category and therefore are able to be played at the Bluegrass Friends Jam Sessions. If you want more info about the jams, please see

I don't understand why I have not been asked to be on this committee. I find this to be rather disturbing. I spoke to Michael about it yesterday, but without luck in changing his mind. Here's how that conversation played out...

We were in the office - I think he locked the door, but that was not necessary. Michael wanted me to help him word a paragraph in his message on the Bluegrass Friends website about a music committee being formed. Over the course of helping with the wording I had an opportunity to ask some questions.

Helen: You're starting a committee? I'll be the chairperson.
Michael:, you won't.
Helen: How come?
Michael: (thinking.....turning back to the computer...) help me with this paragraph...
Helen: (playing possum and letting that go...) yes, dear.

After many minutes we finish the three sentence paragraph to both our satisfaction. Phew!

Helen: I am wondering what the point is in having a loaded committee.
Michael: It's not loaded.
Helen: (insisting) Yes, it is. Every single person agrees with you. That makes it loaded.
Michael: It's not loaded. We all have different perspectives.
Helen: Surely you can see how having me on the committee will be a positive thing.
Michael: You cannot be on the committee. People would think you were voting with me because we're married, and it would end up swaying the vote.
Helen: Anyone that knows me knows I would never vote the same you way did. Purely out of principle, I wouldn't. I want to be the chairperson.
Michael: You're not on the committee, so you can't be the chair.
Helen: At least let me be on the committee.
Michael: No.
Helen: I want to be on the committee.
Michael: No.

(In an effort to distract me, Michael demonstrates for me the web interface he has created so that he can provide the committee members with the music that they are to review in 30 second clips, and a template whereby they can rate the clip as to whether it falls in the Bluegrass category.)

Helen: Why did you tick "Down the Road About a Mile or Two" as not Bluegrass. Even I know that one is Bluegrass.
Michael: That version of it isn't Bluegrass.
Helen: Yes, it is. It's a bluegrass song.
Michael: That version isn't bluegrass.
Helen: Why? (Now I'm confused)
Michael: Because of the way it's being sung.
Helen: (Ahhh HA! I think...) You said before that it had nothing to do with the artist!!!
Michael: (Deep sigh...) It doesn't have anything to do with the artist, it has to do with the arrangement.
Helen: I want to be on the committee.
Michael: No.
Helen: Please?
Michael: No.
Helen: Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze?
Michael: No.
Helen: (Insert something whispered about what we can do with the door locked...)
Michael...hesitating...looking at the locked door....... No.

Hmmmm...this is not going as I planned. Drat. :(

Helen: I want to be on the committee.
Michael: (no answer...still looking at the door)
Helen: (petulantly) You know what? I wouldn't be on that committee if you begged me. Oh, and another thing, those committee members can keep you warm at night.
Michael: (no response)
Helen: I want to be on the committee.
Michael: No.
Helen: What do you feel like having for supper?

This is a typical example of how most situations play out at our house. Michael is unwavering when he makes up his mind about something, and clearly is not in the least bit concerned about who will be keeping him warm at night.

Thought for the day: Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.

Hope your day is filled with blessings and not resentment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well I think that Mike is foolish.If I had a woman locked in a room with me I would give in to anything to keep her there Ha Ha ..Seriously I think you would be a good committee member...Fungus