Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Random Thoughts of Appreciation

Ed and Becky, thank you so much again for your help last evening. I can't tell you the weight that has been lifted from my shoulders and I'm reminded yet again of what lovely friends you both are to Michael and me.

I'm off to Albany, New York this weekend for a meeting. I'm looking forward to the weekend as I will see a bunch of people that I don't have opportunity to see often, and to do a bit of service that will help me stay sane. (Yes, I do realize SANE is a relative term, but take it for what it's worth, ok?) I'm not so much looking forward to the traveling as the drive is approximately 12 hours each way...lots of pee breaks...why do women say "pee break"? you may well be asking yourself...and I'm traveling solo.

Becky suggested last night that I will be able to enjoy a good amount of bluegrass music on the drive. That isn't likely to happen, but I will take some of the sappier Alison Krauss tunes with me - I do love her sappy stuff - and I'll leave everything home that even remotely sounds like Cluck Old Hen. In my experience that covers everything else under the category Bluegrass. I'm expanding that category by including Dylan and Haggard, just on the off chance they grassed something up. There can be no errors on this, in my mind. I wonder where I put that Eagles CD?
Michael and I enjoyed a fun evening of music, food and fellowship at Larry and Carlotta's home. The company was great and we did some laughing and jamming, and supper was yummy. Thanks so much, Larry and Carlotta, for including us. It was really nice, too, to meet Clay's wife and see some of the rest of the gang again. Thanks again!

Kenny and Michael did a nice job on I Corinthians that day when they were pretending we have a recording studio at our house. As I was running the washer and dryer, and banging around pots and pans the thought crossed my mind that those sounds would be new to that particularly stellar piece of music. I enjoyed the listening - Kenny and Michael, great job!

I had best get busy again so that I have lots of time later for packing every piece of clothing I own, along with all of my hair stuff. First rule of being Helen: Never travel light.

Bye now and take care,


Anonymous said...

Hi Helen I too enjoyed the jam at Larrys.It sure was nice to be with such nice people.I believe we all need friends to spend relaxing,and enjoyable times with.
I hope that you will have a good safe trip to New York this weekend.Drive safely and enjoy your stay there.Hope that you get to see all your friends there.Have lots of fun,but dont forget to listen to lots of Bluegrass music during your drive.
Your Friend Fungus

Misterimpatient said...

See you there! I pack more food than clothing. Go figure?