Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A Few More Random Thoughts...

I thought the title of this blog appropriate since most of my thoughts, or at least the ones I share here, are random.

I was speaking with Ed and Becky B. on the phone a couple nights ago...the call included a personal invitation to visit them at their cottage, and I was assured that this 'cottage' is not a shack in the woods with no running water and other positive ammenities but rather a home. They even went so far as to offer to send me a picture of the cottage to ease any lingering fear I might have of being stranded. Ed went to great length also to put my mind at rest that he has no less than nine blankets available just for me. I surely do appreciate the personalized invitation - what lovely friends you are, Ed and Becky. I really appreciate too the idea that you would send me a picture of your home so that I won't be filled with fear. The picture of your home isn't necessary, thank you. I trust you implicitly on that note. However, I would like a picture of the nine blankets. No offense intended, I'm just doing due diligence. Serious stuff, this blanket business.

I suffer a lot of harassing with regard to being cold. Another topic that I have endured a great deal of abuse about is how I wear my hair. I've blogged on this subject at least once before, I'm sure. I was visiting my father this past weekend and he felt it necessary to point out the fact that I'm getting very gray. Really? Damn. Thank goodness you told me...I would never have known. Time to get the chemicals out, I would say. Perhaps my father was shocked to see that his oldest child is old enough to have this much gray hair. Well Dad, at least I have hair. I don't mean that like it sounds...I'll explain in a minute.

Anyway, as I'm trying to explain why I have gray hair, Dad interrupted me with this: "You know who you look like with your hair like that?" Here we go, I thought. "You look like Tina Turner's husband...what was his name?..." Oh man...deep sigh. "Mr. Turner?", I say. "No really", Dad says "You know who I mean, right? He went to prison for wife beating...you look just like him". Sheesh. This is the worst comparison to date. It was several hours later at home that I remembered Mr. Turner's first name: Ike. I googled (another verb like 'blogged') Ike and Tina so that I could see how I resemble him. As I sweep aside my denial about how I could possibly look like a man named Ike that went to prison for wife beating, drug and weapons charges I am somewhat relieved that we don't look alike. At all. Triumphantly I call my father to relay this news. "Actually", he said "I think the man I'm thinking you look like is a wrestler. I can't think of his name". Oh, well now. That's much better.

Dad hasn't been to the barber in a while and was feeling a bit scraggly so he asked me if I would take the shears to his hair and trim him up. "That will be my pleasure", I said. (Insert evil laugh here). After I took the shears, set to the lowest level, straight up the back of his head, I asked if he wanted it all removed. Yup. Phew. The slogan 'measure twice, cut once' comes to mind. I went along fine from that point, cleaning things up nicely. Dad assured me that I wasn't hurting him, although he did object when I took a couple swipes inside his ears. After I was done and admiring my work I noticed that the eyebrows were a bit scraggly too. Dad showed me how to do the eyebrows holding them up with a comb. Well, I realized half way through shaving off the left eyebrow that I wasn't holding the comb correctly. All I can say is that I'm glad I started from the outside edge. Ooooooooooops. (Insert cringe here).

Have a happy and positive day, unless you've made other plans...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Helen again you have made my day with your Humour.Thank you..I bet your Dad truely loves his little girl and just teases you to see your reaction.Come to think of it,you do look a bit like a wrestler I remember seeing once ha ha just kidding Have a Great Dad.Thank you for you and Mikes concern for me when I was in the hospital.Im feeling much better now.I believe its because of people like you who have helped me Thanks again.Keep Blogging I enjoy them...Ken(Fungus)Innis