Tuesday, February 12, 2008

My dear Mother used to say...

My dear Mother used to say...

“If you can't be kind, be vague.”

Bass Lesson # 2 included watching a really enthusiastic woman named Murphy accompanying a less enthusiastic man named Marshall on the bass. No, I said that wrong. Murphy was on the guitar; Marshall was on the bass.

I found Murphy to be extremely entertaining in her enthusiasm. Had she been delivering a baby I’m sure she would not have put more energy, vigor, and liveliness into her presence. Instead of screaming “G” into the camera, she would have screamed “PUSH !!” It’s clear that Murphy is of the belief that whatever you’re doing, do it as well as you can. I think that’s an awesome attitude.

The song Polly Wolly Doodle has become dear to me. Finally I understand what Michael talks about when he says he can't sleep for a tune being stuck in his head. I wish it were a different tune, but I guess it will do. One thing I find confusing is the boom-a-chucka concept. Or is it boom-a-chicka. Well, whatever. I’m supposed to play only on the boom and not on the chicka or the chucka. Somehow I’m supposed to keep that straight while getting my ding to line up with the tick. How about this: Boom Ding Tick-a-Chicka? That has quite a beat. I think I like it. Ok, enough about music. The more I write the more you know how little I know. And I already knew it, so now we’re all up to speed.

I’m taking a poll on how the men feel about Valentine’s Day. Is it:

  1. A necessary evil?
  2. A way to earn points?
  3. To be avoided regardless of the points loss or hard feelings?
  4. A beautiful opportunity to tell the one you love just how much?

I’ll let you all know how mine went. Yes, dear, that can be considered a threat.

I think I need a vacation. A couple people at work have come back recently from cruises…I’m not much into sitting in the sun, drinking copiously, or eating randomly and in huge quantities, but still, a cruise sounds good. One guy mentioned all the shops in one of the ports that sell diamonds for next to nothing. Have I ever mentioned that I like shiny stuff? And Valentine’s Day IS coming….hmmmmm….one of these days I’m going to get a hubcap if I’m not careful. But going away, or at least being away does sound very appealing. Must give that thought some more consideration.

Remember, willingness without action is fantasy.

Have a marvelous day!


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the blog but I wonder if
Polly Wolly Doodle is bluegrass.
Do you know someone we could ask?

Helen Floyd said...

Dear Fast Ed: Yes, I surely do know someone I can ask. I'm on the phone with Merle Haggard right now.

Thanks for your comment -it's been a long time coming !!

Anonymous said...

Hi Helen again you have brightened my day.I love the way you express yourself.You should seriously consider getting into writing as a career.Your good at it..Not sure if Hag is a good person to ask about Polly Wolly Doodle...maybe Mike can streighten you out..Ha Ha ..Keep up the good work .I enjoy reading everything you write.Your very entertaining Ken Innis

Misterimpatient said...

On the matter of valentines day, as we know it in the west, it is the evil creation of the greeting card industry which the flower and candy industries have adopted and which women have embraced as a bludgeon to hold over their mates. Evil! Evil I say! Be gone and get back in the kitchen!

Helen Floyd said...

Kenny, thank you so much. I think you must be my only fan. As to earning a living in writing, I doubt if anyone would pay to read about my rice cake thoughts. Thanks for the idea, though, and for being a good friend.


Helen Floyd said...

Dear Mr. Impatient. Thank you - your comment is awesome. I've been shopping for a new bludgeon and I had one right at my fingertips and never knew it. I'm SO glad you wrote....

Happy Valentine's Day :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Helen,
I guess I can't be included in your poll of the male opinion of Valentine's Day so I won't need to say that buying sappy uncreative poems and sayings written on otherwise unremarkable cardstock is a colossal waste of money whereas the purchase and consumption of confection such as CHOCOLATE is not only healthy for the soul and gratifying for the palate it also enables hardworking folk at candy factories to be gainfully employed. Candy anyone?